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Search for "hate campaign" returned 13 matches

France: Investigative media outlets under attack in five gagging lawsuits - Article

Media freedom groups raise concern over the recent wave of gagging lawsuits initiated by companies against several independent media outlets in France

Junk News During the EU Parliamentary Elections: Lessons from a Seven-Language Study of Twitter and Facebook - Academic Sources

The study highlights that the influence of junk news is far less prominent on Twitter (4% of total sources), while the engagement of junk news is higher on Facebook, but the recipients of professional news outnumbered the former

Information Manipulation: A Challenge for Our Democracies - Reports

The joint report by the French Policy Planning Staff (CAPS) of the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and the Institute for Strategic Research (IRSEM) of the Ministry for the Armed Forces aims at developing a better understanding of the issue, mainly focusing on information manipulation orchestrated by States and whose purpose is to weaken democratic debate in other States

The European media discourse on immigration and its effects: a literature review - Academic Sources

The authors of these paper, published on the Annals of the International Communication Association, conducted a literature review of the studies about media coverage of and media effects related to immigration in Europe

Populism in online election coverage - Academic Sources

How populist messages by media actors, political actors, and readers are distributed via online news articles, and reader comments during election campaigns in the United Kingdom, Switzerland, and France

Internet and electoral campaigns - Reports

Rules on electoral campaigning were written for traditional media. This report examines how the shift to digital media affects the effectiveness of these rules and suggests updates

Disinformation and Social Bot Operations in the Run Up to the 2017 French Presidential Election - Academic Sources

In a paper published on First Monday, Emilio Ferrara studies the role of Twitter in the MacronLeaks disinformation campaign

Media coverage of elections: the legal framework in Europe - Reports

The European Audiovisual Observatory examines the regulation of broadcast, print and online media during elections in different Council of Europe member states

Far-Right Nationalism and Populism in Europe: Assaults on Press Freedom - Reports

The study by the Media Governance and Industries Research Lab (University of Vienna) examines how far-right and populist political parties affect independent journalism in democracies and the specific threats they pose to it in 12 European countries: Austria; Bosnia & Herzegovina; Bulgaria; Croatia; France; Germany; Hungary; Italy; Montenegro; Poland; Romania; and Serbia.

Double standard of freedom of expression - HTML5 video

Tariq Ramadan, professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies at Oxford University, discusses the impact of the Charlie Hebdo attack in Paris on the discourse about Islam